Wow, my first mod I ever made. It's probably my last too. Sorry for not cleaning it up a bit but I'm lazy and by the way, I made this for fun. Contact me for mod-swapping, house-(what a terrible word but TEKNO/TECHNO is even worser)swapping, coding-contax (yes, I'm a coder from origin) or whatever..: Thies 'I-GO' Edeling Westerhem 57 please put 'DONA' somewhere in the 1462 VB Midden-Beemster or subject, it's not my account u c... The Netherlands A _BIG_ kiss to Vija. I'm not sure if your name is spelled okay but who cares (probably you). Too bad the chance is very small I meet you again in the iT or in the RoXY but you were great & one of the few girls I really fell in love with. (and you probably never read this..). Why am I writing this ?